Located in Anglesea, Aus and Bozeman, MT. Training to get you back doing what you love. We specialize is Joint Mobility and Strength work. Specializing in getting people back from injury or chronic pain with true treatment not just symptomatic treatment. Quality training in person or online.

Building functional & versatile bodies by integrating strength, joint and breath training to enhance your quality of life.

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This is Movement and Training For Life


We aim to give you the tools to be functionally independent. No more taking anti-inflammatories or scheduling your weekly massage.

At Ascend you will explore how altering your internal environment via natural training methods can optimize function and improve long term health.

It’s all about offering sustainable training solutions…No short cuts…No fad diets…No 8-week challenges.

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We are located in…

Bozeman, Montana USA


+ ONLINE with our Personal Training App!

Where we provide quality personal training online to clients all around the world.

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Goal of Ascend

Our goal is to create a platform where endurance adventurists and general movers can access high quality Strength and Mobility training to enhance their journey as movers. We strive to help all movers reach their full potential in whichever journey they may be on as humans. We train for longevity and health purposes building strong bodies and minds for the present and future. 

We pride ourselves on putting the care back in to quality movement while offering the most professional and personalized coaching practices through our in person and online platforms.

We offer a unique training system that is unseen in the industry today.

At Ascend, we created The 6 Pillars to optimize human function and to live the healthiest life, not only for our own sake but for our family, friends and clients.

You can do as much work as we want in one area of training but if the other pillars are slacking then results may become harder to achieve.

Each and every one of these pillars are key areas that improve and optimize function of the human body. Many of the pillars go unnoticed as to what massive benefits they have on our health and training.

At Ascend we try make sure that all of these pillars are addressed with every client. It is amazing to see how quick progress is then achieved when the pillars are checked off.

Brain:Mind Health | Sleep | Cardiovascular Health | Joint Health | Breath | Nutrition:Hydration

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 Get in touch with us!
